Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Training the Next Generation of Bible Teachers

I strongly encourage you to be prayerfully watching for signs of interest in the people you are teaching -- there are people who God will bring into your sphere of influence who are part of the next generation of Bible teachers.

Don't just look for volunteers -- God doesn't.

Instead, as the Holy Spirit leads you, approach the men and women and youth in whom you see potential. Give them the challenge to teach, and help them grow into that challenge. Speak into their chests! Give them encouragement, and guidance, and feedback as they develop. You are God's ambassador, developing apprentices in the craft of Bible teaching.

You should mentor new and developing Bible teachers for two main reasons.

First, we have a responsibility to shepherd the next generation of teachers.

Second, there are things you will not learn yourself until you mentor others in this craft. Your own development will tend to plateau until you take steps to bring others along.

Check out this free ebook I created to train and mentor new Bible teachers. Share it with others. If you already know whom you should approach, get going! If not, get praying!

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