Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two Questions to Ask When Preparing a Lesson

There are two questions you should be asking -- prayerfully! -- when you are preparing a lesson:

1. What do my students need to know/understand/believe?

It's not about what you want to teach, or what you think is the latest and greatest. As a teacher you must be focused on the people our Lord gives you to teach.

2. What should my students do with this? Or, how should they live?

This gets to life application. We are not about stuffing heads with information (though learning information is important). We are about the process of cooperating with God to teach the Bible to change lives.

If you will prayerfully ponder these two questions, you'll have the organizing information you need to create powerful lessons. No matter how experienced you are, or how advanced your students are, you ask these same two questions.

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