Sunday, January 04, 2009

Do You Have a Kingdom Mindset?

Robby Butler's 4 page article on the Three Eras of Mission History is worth printing off, reading twice, and marking up with your notes.

Certainly the brief accounting of missions history is useful information. But I'm recommending it to you, dear teachers, because the author so clearly and succinctly maps out common ditches to avoid:
* Tranforming individuals alone
* Personal salvation alone
* Social activism without God's power and direction
* Busyness in doing Good things

He advocates a Kingdom Mission which "abolishes the false dichotomies between secular/sacred, clergy/laity, and evangelism/social action, and seeks to actively engage the full resources of all disciples in multifaceted large-scale efforts to proclaim and demonstrate God's kingdom."

As you teach and minister to your students, and model Christian faith in action through your whole life, live for the Kingdom Mission.

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