Tuesday, March 28, 2006

If you want them to hear what you're saying...

Here's a handy list to review if you want your students to hear what you are saying:

1. People don't care about the church database.
2. People aren't motivated by your need. They're motivated by theirs.
3. People don’t care about their next step until they know they're valued where they are now.
4. People don't know who you are, no matter how long you've been around the church.
5. People multi-task and can't remember squat.
6. People are turned off by lack of preparation.
7. People relate when you talk about them or people like them.
8. People feel left out and frustrated when you use insider's language.
9. People aren't impressed with your theological vocabulary and holy dialect.
10. People love stories not lectures.
[and the bonus item...]
11. People shut down when your message sounds like a scolding.

Now also keep in mind that people are not really listening to what you are saying. They are listening to the conversation(s) going on in their minds while you talk. Great teachers work at engaging as much of that internal conversation as possible!

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