Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to Find Bible Studies on _____

Almost weekly I'm asked "Do you have a Bible study I can use on______?"

Sometimes people ask me this because they don't know how to find a study. Since you're reading this on the Internet, there's a very easy set of solutions to help you for study materials on any passage or topic you might be interested in:

1. Go to Google and search the words "what you want to study" and "Bible study." So if you're looking for a Bible study on the Sermon on the Mount, you would search for "Sermon on the Mount Bible study"

2. Now take a 2nd step and search for sermons. Repeat step one but in place of "Bible study" search for the word "sermon."

Those two searches will generate many links that you can start checking out.

Of course many people already had some kind of start. What they really want is a recommendation from a trusted person, because that's the real problem now: How to sort out the best, most useful information from all the search results!

This takes some discernment. If the Bible study or sermon comes from a person or organization (local church, seminary, denomination) you trust, that's a good start. Even then you need to cross-check and evaluate what they say against Scripture (like the Bereans!)

If you're looking for an "instant" Bible study on a topic, you can find raw materials very quickly, but you still need to be responsible and do you part to vet the information. It's not usually as much of a shortcut timewise as people expect.

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