Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Meditating on the Word

Christian meditation is the practice of focusing our thoughts on the revealed Word of God -- not trying to empty our minds, which is the Eastern meditation strategy.

I recommend this article on meditation by Henry Blackaby. He has a wonderful definition:

"Meditation is that moment when God confronts you with the truth about Himself. It is that moment when you go into the presence of God and let God discuss it with you until you know exactly how to respond to Him, however long it takes."

If you're dedicating yourself to teach the Bible to change lives, then you want to help bring your students to the brink that experience with God, right to the edge. And you need to have gone there yourself in order to teach this way.

Aren't we privileged men and women? We have an Awesome Lord and God, who personally instructs us!

HT: Sunday School Revolutionary

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