Friday, December 31, 2010

Teach Less Material, and Teach it Well

Can I encourage you with a 2011 resolution for your teaching?

Teach less material in a lesson, and teach it well. Leave them hungry for more.

Your students will learn more and retain it.
Your efforts at focus and life application will result in more transformed lives.
You'll stand out from the usual "I pour it on them until they can't take any more and then I keep pouring" style of teachers and preachers who don't really care for people.

Teach less material in a lesson, and teach it well. Leave them hungry for more.


Cathy Baker said...

Thanks for this reminder as we usher in a new year. I've found it to be a bit more difficult to do this as it forces me to keep the main thing...well, the main thing -- but well worth the effort.

Your reminder was freeing for this Adult SS teacher. Thanks for all you do for the teaching community, Glenn.

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Glenn said...

Yes, it's hard, but it's good. It's not "safe," but it's good. Your students will be blessed!

Keep on teaching to change lives.