Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Do You Ask Yourself These Questions Before You Teach?

Francis Chan gave a wonderful talk at the Hawaiian Islands Ministry conference, titled "How to Teach Dynamically and Effectively." He organizes the talk around these seven questions which preachers and teachers need to ask:

1. Am I aware of God's presence and want to please Him?
2. Do I genuinely love these people?
3. Am I accurately presenting this passage?
4. Am I depending upon the Holy Spirit's power, or my own cleverness?
5. Have I applied this message to my own life?
6. Will this message draw attention to me, or to God?
7. Do people desperately need this message?

This is an excellent set of questions, and I strongly recommend you take notes as you listen here:

Click on the title link to this talk to listen to his message (streaming). This opens a new window and the message (about an hour) will stream. I couldn't figure out a way to get it as an mp3, but this is dynamite content, so make the time to listen to it.

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