Wednesday, January 04, 2006

How Not To Be Insane in 2006

A New Year is full of promise and possibilities. But achieving those may require that you change the way you do things. You remember that old definition of insanity --doing the same thing over and over while you expect a different result. To get around this "insanity" in your teaching ministry, freshen things up!

Every Bible teacher has at least occasional shortages of
* knowing what to do
* doing what we know
* encouragement to keep going
(and sometimes all three!)

Here are three steps you need to take NOW to help you overcome all three of these problems:

1. Sign up for free teaching tips by email each week at==>

You'll get a steady stream of great ideas that you can use, and encouragement to sharpen your teaching ministry.There's no charge, and you can unsubscribe whenever you like -- but I'm confident you'll learn so much that you'lllook forward to seeing that email in your inbox every week. (I'll even send you a extra special report when you signup now.)

2. Check out my special reports on Bible Study Tools and other reports -- all free to you -- at ==>

Here's what Sue Markton told me about this collection ofreports: "Glenn, I'm really surprised you don't charge for these. They're great, on-target, and better than most everything I've paid money for. Thanks for making them available to everyone." Every Bible teacher can learn something from these reports.

3. Buy "Teach the Bible to Change Lives" Here are two testimonials about this book -- and the follow-up 52 weeks of coaching:

"Where were you when I needed this 12 years ago? Now I'm using your prep and teaching strategies and enjoying itall. My students love it, too! Please keep sending me new ideas. -- Mike Smith"

"I downloaded your e-book and I love it. It is so practical. I have a small but loyal Bible Study. I make up my own studies using resources like the study Bible and other books and I enjoy doing this. I am a Catholic. We Catholics have not been encouraged to read the Bible until after The 2nd Vat. Council and even then it has been slow going. I laud the Evangelical Churches for their faithfulness to Holy Scripture.Thanks very much for your help. Sincerely yours in Christ, Mary R. Park"

Order your copy today at==>

Take these three steps now as an investment in yourself and your teaching ministry. *You* are the tool that God will use to change lives through great Bible teaching. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's teach the Bible to change thousands of lives this year for Jesus!

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