Sunday, January 22, 2006

Great Interview with Crawford Loritts

CT has an interview with Crawford Loritts that I heartily recommend to you. Don't miss his comments about challenging others for life change. Here's an excerpt:

"Every preacher needs to keep in mind three great axioms: (1) Don't ever dare to stand in front of a group of people with a Bible in your hand and not expect change. We must have a holy confidence—confidence in God and his Word, confidence that God is going to change lives whenever we speak from his Book. (2) Remember that the goal of all ministry is transformation. It's not about being liked. It's not about being accepted. God's ultimate goal is to change lives. (3) At the end of the day, the effectiveness of our preaching will burst forth from the holiness of our personal lives."

The whole interview (about 2 pages) is worth your time.

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