Sunday, October 02, 2005

Teachers as Leaders

Not all Bible teachers are leaders, but many are. Tony Morgan has a useful checklist you should review:

"10 Easy Ways to Know You're NOT a Leader

You're waiting on a bigger staff and more money to accomplish your vision.
You think you need to be in charge to have influence.
You're content.
You tend to foster division instead of generating a helpful dialogue.
You think you need to say something to be heard.
You find it easier to blame others for your circumstances than to take responsibility for solutions.
It's been some time since you said, "I messed up."
You're driven by the task instead of the relationships and the vision.
Your dreams are so small, people think they can be achieved.
No one is following you."

Great Bible Teachers do a lot of these things well:
They're not content, and always learning.
They generate helpful dialogue so people can learn.
They know when to listen, rather than speak.
They have big dreams for thousands and thousands of disciples, beginning with those God has given them to teach right now.

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