Saturday, October 22, 2005

New, new, new!

A co-worker, not a believer, suggested that "the reason Christianity is failing is because it's so old. People are looking for new stuff, not old boring stuff."

Hmm... it's certainly true that good marketing works hard to promote "new and improved." There's abundant psychological evidence that our brains are wired to see only new things or things in motion. We're focused on what's different, what's changing.

The fabulous news of the Gospel is ever-fresh. "His mercies are new every morning." If we're not finding new things in the Bible all the time, and see it fresh and life-giving -- it's our fault.

So as we work at our teaching ministry, let's help others find freshness. Get excited about God's Word, so that your students will also. Enthusiasm is contagious.

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