Friday, May 12, 2006

Bible Study with Not-Yet Believers

People ask me this kind of question occasionally:

"I am running a Bible study, (if you didn't know) and I have people who are homosexual in it (they're here to see what this 'christian' thing is all about). I don't want to scare them off because I believe it's good that they are attending, but how do I address the fact that their lifestyles are not what God intends? Thank you for listening, and if you can, please help me on this situation."

Here was my response:

"Thanks for writing! It sounds like our good and gracious Lord has given you a wonderful opportunity to minister to people in this Bible study. Keep in mind that He has each person there, and it is no coincidence or accident.

Many Christians "freak out" about homosexual sin, and downplaypride, for example, as a sin. We all fall short of the glory of God.

My recommendation is to make Jesus your focus. When people fall in love with Jesus, and experience the love of Jesus in and through Hispeople, then their desires for obeying Jesus increase. The Bible will rebuke, encourage, and teach. For any sin, then, use the Bible as our plumb line. Keep on loving people, and be transparent about your own failings and shortcomings with them -- relaying to them how repentance works in your own life.

Now this is all easier to write about than to do. Living in community is hard, but it is our calling.

Really, the first thing is to pray for God's power to work in the lives of each person in your Bible study group. Pray that their eyes, mind, and heart will be opened. Pray that they will respond to God's call on their lives, and give themselves completely to Christ. Ask the Lord of the Universe to save each one from darkness, and bring them into greater and greater Light!

Teach to change lives,

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