Monday, December 05, 2005

Why a Flat World is Great News for Christians

I'm concerned that many Christians today are going defensive, pulling in, creating tight little communities of like-minded people so they don't have to worry about the culture influencing their families.

The simple truth is that God wants us on the offensive. It's very likely that you, as a believer, are going to be the minority person in most of your life situations (where God wants you!), not the majority. Hunkering down and going defensive is not effective military strategy when you're outnumbered! Get moving, even go on the offensive.

Today lots of people are concerned about the political and economic changes made likely, almost inevitable, by the the "flat" world we live in. Technology and better management systems mean that work can be done almost anywhere. People are asking what part of their jobs could be outsourced or done in other parts of the world. It causes a lot of anxiety in many, many people.

Teachers, I challenge you to get your head on straight, and think clearly about what God is doing. A "flat" world is good news for Christians and the work of making disciples to fulfill the Great Commission. Let us be bold, and not fearful, for we are serving the Lord Almighty!

And remember that what our generation is experiencing is not completely unprecedented. In the first century the Roman Empire had 'flattened' the known world, also. Pax Romana created an unprecedented environment for the Gospel to spread rapidly because of
  • common languages and standards
  • excellent roads, and well-defended sea shipping lanes and ports
  • previously unheard-of speed of information and news
  • urbanization
  • people from many nations working together on projects and in commerce
  • the government model encouraged business and trade
The 21st century looks very similar to the 1st century. (Actually it looks better! The communication and travel technologies available today to individuals -- and at low prices -- were only available to the very wealthy even 40 years ago, if at all.)

Let us be teachers who are equipping and training good students of the Word, so they can be used by God more and more!

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