Monday, June 06, 2005

Worship First

It's critically important to worship before you teach. Your heart needs this. Your mind needs to be aligned with God. You must do this to be a large and clean conduit of God's love, grace, and knowledge to others.

And this is true whether you are teaching a Sunday morning class, a weekly Bible study, leading a small group, working with youth on Wednesday nights, or any other teaching venue.

Worship before you teach-- this is a bedrock principle for those who would teach the Bible to change lives.

Worship means giving God what He is worth. So praise Him with some prayer and song. You can do this aloud in the car on the way to the meeting. Or pray and sing in your mind, quietly, if circumstances are limiting. Let verses about God's power and might come to mind. See Calvary's magnifence, and let your heart be humbled. Confess any sins. Be cleansed in the blood of the Lamb.

Worship opens the doors to life-changing power.

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