Friday, January 15, 2010

The Question to Ask and Answer

One of the most helpful questions you can ask yourself is "What can I do to make my students' lives better?"

It's a common temptation of teachers to only teach what's interesting to us at the moment, or at least fun to teach. And this lets us more easily avoid conflicts and "messy" ministy to "real" people.

I do believe you should teach out of what God is teaching you. That's natural and effective. But don't do this at the expense of pushing yourself to answer the question "What can I do to make my students' lives better?" Answering that question requires thought, and probably some work. You'll now be thinking and planning from the perspective of their needs, not your convenience and personal interest. Be prepared: you're going to hit some nerves.

Ask and answer "What can I do to make my students' lives better?", and you'll be teaching the Bible to change lives!

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